100 things
1. I grew up in a funeral home
2. I was born on my paternal grandfathers 50th bday
3. I want to learn about photography and Photoshop
4. I don’t have a relationship with my father anymore (he went off the deep end)
5. I have one older brother
6. I always wanted a sister
7. Child abuse makes me livid
8. My mom is the best
9. She makes the best dessert and muffins ever
10. I took tap dance when I was little
11. I have always been observant and cautious
12. Peer pressure has never been an issue for me
13. Always introspective even as a child
14. I hate alarm clocks
15. I am not a morning person
16. Noise bothers me
17. I always sleep with a fan on
18. I used to sleep nakey but don’t since being pregnant (miss it)
19. I love flannel sheets year round
20. Spring and summer are my fav seasons
21. I am a procrastinator
22. I believe in personal responsibility
23. I feel like im a kid trying to be an adult sometimes
24. My life is so different than I imagined it would be
25. I want to live near the ocean someday
26. I love chocolate—good chocolate
27. I fell in love at 16
28. I will love him until the day I die
29. I never thought I would get married or have children
30. I love my daughter more than anything
31. I am a cat person
32. I want more children
33. I love my husband, he is everything I am not
34. I am published in a scientific journal
35. Here is the linkJ http://iai.asm.org/cgi/content/full/68/9/5018
36. I have never loved a job—except being Lola’s momma
37. I have a bachelors in biology
38. My parents were divorced after 28 yrs together
39. I regret that Lola most likely will not know her extended family like I knew mine
40. I am scared to try a vaginal birth with my next child
41. I had a c-section bc Lola was breech
42. It was my first surgery
43. I would like to get a tattoo
44. I never understood breastfeeding
45. Now I love breastfeeding and want to educate others about it or at least help them with it
46. I wish I could verbalize and write my feelings better
47. I am lazy
48. I come through under pressure
49. I hated school-college included
50. I always made good grades
51. I was a crammer and memorizer
52. Sometimes I feel like ive lost some smartness?
53. I have vitiligo
54. I think homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals
55. I love to read in bed
56. I am glad im not in one of the groups that is discriminated against bc I would be a raging ball of anger
57. I think religion can be good and it can be the worst thing
58. I don’t think you have to be “saved to go to heaven”
59. I believe in heaven and a higher power
60. I hate hearing my own voice when its been recorded
61. I am too open about myself to others
62. I cant hide my emotion
63. If I love someone I tell them
64. I try to appreciate the little things
65. I once was in great shape
66. I could bench press 110 lbs for sets
67. I was stronger in my upper body than my lower body
68. I would like to learn how to scuba dive
69. I like playing tennis
70. I’ve driven 17 hours straight (except for pee stops and gas) from Denver to IL by myself
71. I believe tolerance, education and acceptance would solve most of the world’s problems
72. I believe in a woman’s right to choose
73. I hate it when people breed animals to make money
74. I hate it when people do not take care of their animals
75. I used to volunteer at an animal shelter
76. I belong to the humane society and the ASPCA
77. I’m proud I made it through organic chemistry II and physics
78. I recycle
79. I am a bargain shopper
80. It irritates me when people leave their turn signal on when going on a curve after they made the turn
81. I still have the car I got when I was 16(-Honda accordJ still runs great after 255,000mi)
82. I don’t fall in love easily, when I do its forever
83. I have a few true forever friends
84. im not a group person, I prefer one on one or very small groups
85. I don’t regret any of my sexual experiences
86. I have a strong sense of smell
87. I am a pessimist (working on it)
88. I am terrible liar
89. my favorite scents are: lavender, jasmine, vanilla, sandalwood, cedar
90. I hate reading directions
91. I don’t measure when cooking (unless baking)
92. I love Mexican food
93. I would rather learn by example than to read or be lectured on the subject
94. I had the baby blues after Lola was born-oh the power of HORMONES!! (tom cruise is an asshole)
95. I have more patience with Lola than anyone or anything else
96. I would like a black sphinx kitty someday
97. I swear too much
98. I hope Lola likes to cook with me
99. I know im forgetting something important
100. I am passionate