Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Fun at Grandmas

Tune in Tokyo

When the titmouse is nursing she has decided its fun to play tune in Tokyo with the other nipple. I have to hold her hand to keep her occupied or else they get pinched. Sometimes she is a bad kitty!! Thankfully mostly a good kitty!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

goodbye to Sammer

I'm heading to Mom's to say goodbye to Samuel. It makes me sick. He is the first cat of mine to die since I've been an adult. I'll never forget when I first met him. I didnt know Mom was going to get him. I came home and in my room was this little siamese kitten. He hissed at me first thing!!! Then he developed a nasty case of diarrhea and being 16 and impatient, I kicked him out of my room. So he became Moms cat. But he would always cuddle with me. He went through so much with me. The divorce, moving out, college, the remarriage, boy issues. God I will miss him. He always remembered me when i went home. He made sure to remind me that he was mad i left but would forgive me soon and come and sleep with me. He was the kind of cat that just soothed you. He would spoon with you. If you moved, he moved with you. Ah I will miss my squishy little Sammer. I love that boy.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

a 10 month old froglet

It seems like yesterday she was just a little froglet. Now she is so BIG. Its hard to remember her being this little, she weighed six pounds when we came home on mothers day of 2005. They change so incredibly fast. I dont regret a moment of her not taking a pacifier or a bottle. I was exhausted at times but I spent so much time with her. I wouldnt have had that if she would have been on a bottle or taken a pacifier. I bet we rocked a hundred thousand miles in that lazyboy.

This last month has brought so many new things. Lola has mastered crawling,standing up,and clapping. She can push herself around on my old giraffe and her new car grandpa Lou got her. And today, her 10 month birthday, she climbed all seven steps from the kitchen to the entryway by herself!! She has been sleeping in her crib now for the last month. And learning to swim. Its so cool to see her evolve daily, but bittersweet because time is moving so fast.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

still sick:(

this being sick is really getting old. it started on monday with some sneezing. monday was swim class and of course lo was not on her normal sleeping routine. by the time we got to the y she was asleep. thankfully when she woke up she was excited and ready to go. she was all squirruelly the first half of the class being a ham. then after too many swallows of that nasty super chlorinated water she was more subdued. she was the first in the class to try "swimming" under water, which consisted of the teacher basically pushing her under. took me by surprise, lo too but she did not complain, she was just kinda like..."what did she just do to me?" she also jumped in the pool which was too cute. paul would hold out his arms to her and she would just jump right in. luckily she wasnt scared. one little boy who was probably around 18 months or so was so scared he cried the whole class. i felt bad for him and his mom.

monday night was bad. froglet didnt sleep well at all and the snot really started to kick in. i have all this too btw. so our week has consisted of lots of nursing( bc she dosent want to eat as much), snotty nose blowing and wiping, and even some retching yesterday. thank god lola did not puke. i think we have the flu. it seems much worse than just a cold. lo had a low temp on tues and my sputum has been extra nasty. i hope it ends soon! my poor little froglet is pitiful:( i did take some super cute pics after her bath tonight. i love her hair in these.