goodbye to Sammer
I'm heading to Mom's to say goodbye to Samuel. It makes me sick. He is the first cat of mine to die since I've been an adult. I'll never forget when I first met him. I didnt know Mom was going to get him. I came home and in my room was this little siamese kitten. He hissed at me first thing!!! Then he developed a nasty case of diarrhea and being 16 and impatient, I kicked him out of my room. So he became Moms cat. But he would always cuddle with me. He went through so much with me. The divorce, moving out, college, the remarriage, boy issues. God I will miss him. He always remembered me when i went home. He made sure to remind me that he was mad i left but would forgive me soon and come and sleep with me. He was the kind of cat that just soothed you. He would spoon with you. If you moved, he moved with you. Ah I will miss my squishy little Sammer. I love that boy.
awwww, i member the first cat i had to put to sleep. she was a siamese. sarina. i still miss her. but we have loki now. well sorta, hes with mom in massachusettes now . hes been around since i was like 8. youd think not living with him id have gotten a little detached from him, but i tell you, if he were to die today, id still cry and miss him horribly.
I'm sorry to hear about Samuel! I know how much you loved that kitty! :( He is up in heaven now riding on top of Guinness. :) sorry. ((hugs))
Sniff, sniff. I'm sorry :(
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